

zak hussain

About Zaki

Zaki Hussain (aka Zakracing) has always been passionate about racing and is very ambitious to become a professional racing driver. He started racing from the age of 9 (born June 2007) at TeamSport Edmonton indoor racing track.

After only racing at the track for a short time he was selected to race at Kart-Champs for TeamSport at a National level in 2017 to represent TeamSport Edmonton, in which he took 3rd place.

This was the first time Zaki had raced on an unfamiliar racing track in Reading. Zaki then moved onto outdoor track Rye House (which is where Lewis Hamilton started) where he raced in 5 Cadet & Junior Class championships between 2017 to 2019, successfully winning four championships and becoming vice champion in the 5th

zak hussain

Invest in Zaki

Zaki is currently looking for sponsorships (small or big, every little helps) to help him develop and progress. After gaining his Motorsport UK licence Zaki has moved in to the competitive world of owner karting in 2020. Zaki has already made significant progress in his first year and is already pushing towards top 10 finishes.

However Zaki’s racing journey has significant costs as he progresses and continues to grow. Without financial support and backing from sponsors his journey to fulfil his racing potential would not be possible. Zaki has the natural ability it takes to win.

zak hussain

Race Achievements So Far


Whilton Mill Kart Club & Hunts Kart Racing Club

6 Novice race wins, (finishing club championship in 12th out of 50+ drivers)


Rye House Independent Kart Racing (IKR)

1 race win, second in another and Driver of the day (finishing championship in 4th out of 16 drivers)


Fulbeck Kart Cub Rookie Novice Championship



Rye House Evo Championship



Rye House Spa Championship



Rye House Monaco Championship

Champion and lap record


Rye House McLaren Championship

Vice Champion


Rye House Debut Championship



TeamSport National



TeamSport Edmonton Mini GP Championship (6 races)

Won 4 and runner up twice


Teamsport Edmonton club Championship (9 races)

Won 7 and runner up twice
All of the above have been achieved without any tuition or training
zak hussain

support zaki. contact us

Benefits of working together

Join Zaki on his journey at the begining, Brand promotion, recognition and growth on track and social media, televised racing, build business relationships with Zaki's other sponsors, team and online/trackside followers, invite to all races, access to Zaki's kart for marketing events, coverage to all Zaki's PR, networking opportunities, can arrange memorable track days for you and your company.

zak hussain

What will the funding be used for?

  • Race fees and related costs.
  • Team, running and maintenance/repair costs.
  • Equipment such as kart, helmet, suit etc.
  • Driver development.
zak hussain